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Selected short stories, flash fiction pieces, excerpts from my collection TEN STORIES ABOUT BEING TWENTY and my novel-in-progress SIDDHI GIRL.

For Performance

Work created for the stage, including traditional and monologue forms and performance art.

Arts Journalism

Selected writing for the San Antonio Current (2002-2009) and the San Antonio Recorder-Times (1993-1995), primarily reviews of theatrical productions with a few interviews and overview pieces thrown in.

Spirituality and Personal Growth

Selected writings from BETWEEN THE WORLDS, the quarterly journal of Diana's Grove Mystery School (DATES), links to posts on the Expanding Inward blog, and occasional reprints of pieces from neo-pagan publications.


Not much. Mostly blank verse. The line between things I consider poetry and work created for the stage is a very thin one, and honestly exists only until I figure out a way to stage the "poetry" piece.

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